What is Roobeez? The Online Farmers Market Connecting Farmers and Consumers in the Digital Age

In today's fast-paced world, where technology has become an integral part of our lives, it is essential to adapt and embrace the digital revolution. Roobeez, the farms and farmers online resource center, is a platform that aims to bridge the gap between farmers and consumers. Roobeez provides a convenient and efficient way to connect with small family farms in the area. From online social connecting to accessing the farmers market online to attending Roobeez Farm Events, we have a focus on promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting local farmers; Roobeez is revolutionizing the way we access fresh produce and farm-related resources.


The Inception of Roobeez

Roobeez, also known as MadHatchers Inc, was originally primarily a Poultry Directory platform and has grown today to have thousands of farm enthusiast members and continues to grow its features to help the small farming community. Roobeez was built by small farmers for small farmers, with the purpose of connecting the community and resources together in an all-inclusive platform that empowers, educates, connects, promotes sustainable agriculture, and provides consumers with easy access to locally sourced products.

With a passion for supporting local farming communities and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by farmers in reaching a wider audience, they set out to create Roobeez. Since its inception, Roobeez has grown steadily, expanding its reach and connecting farmers with consumers across the country. The platform's commitment to transparency, sustainability, and community has made it a trusted and reliable resource for both farmers and consumers alike. Today, Roobeez continues to thrive, fostering a stronger connection between farmers and consumers and contributing to the growth and success of local farming communities.


Mission and Goals

Roobeez was founded with a clear mission in mind – to create a sustainable and transparent marketplace that connects farmers with consumers. By providing an online platform, Roobeez aims to empower small family farms, enabling them to reach a wider audience and sell their products directly to consumers. The platform also serves as a comprehensive resource center, offering valuable information and support to farmers, helping them enhance their farming practices and improve their overall productivity.

Connecting Farmers and Consumers

Need farm fresh eggs? Or looking for baby chicks for sale? One of the key features of Roobeez is its ability to connect farmers and consumers in a seamless manner. Whether it’s local honey or a poultry farmer, with just a few clicks, consumers can access a wide range of farm-fresh products, including fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and even livestock. The platform allows consumers to browse through various farms near them, ensuring that they can support local agriculture and reduce their carbon footprint. By purchasing directly from farmers, consumers can enjoy the freshest produce while also supporting the local economy.

Find small farms near me on Roobeez

Bringing the Farmers Market Online

Roobeez serves as a virtual farmers market, bringing the charm and convenience of a traditional farmers market to the digital realm. Consumers can explore different storefronts online, each representing local small farms, and discover a diverse range of products. From organic fruits and vegetables to homemade jams and artisanal cheeses, the online farmers market offers a plethora of options to suit every taste and preference. By providing a platform for farmers to showcase their products, Roobeez helps them gain visibility and build a loyal customer base. Online farmers markets like Roobeez lower the barrier for small farms looking to sell their goods, offering a free virtual connection venue to community members.

Chickens for Sale and Rare Chicken Breeds

For those interested in poultry farming or simply looking to add some feathered friends to their backyard, Roobeez offers a dedicated section for chickens for sale. Whether you're searching for baby chicks or specific chicken breeds, the platform connects you with reputable chicken breeders in your area. Additionally, Roobeez caters to enthusiasts of rare chicken breeds, providing a platform for breeders to showcase and sell these unique and sought-after birds. This feature not only supports the preservation of rare chicken breeds but also allows consumers to access high-quality poultry for their own homesteads.

Find a chicken poultry farm near me on Roobeez

Find baby chicks near me for sale on Roobeez

Farm Help and Homestead Tips

Roobeez understands that farming can be a challenging endeavor, especially for a small family farm. To address this, the platform offers a range of resources and support services to farmers. From connecting farmers with farm help near them to providing valuable homestead tips and advice, Roobeez aims to empower farmers and help them overcome common challenges. Interested in how to breed chickens? Find advice from successful breeders on Roobeez.

By fostering a sense of community and collaboration, Roobeez ensures that farmers have the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive in their agricultural pursuits.

Family Farm Expo Community Farm Event

In addition to its online marketplace and resource center, Roobeez organizes an annual Family Farm Expo event. This event brings together farmers, consumers, and industry experts, providing a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and showcasing the best practices in sustainable agriculture. The Family Farm Expo event serves as a celebration of local farming and an opportunity for farmers to connect with their community and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations in the industry.


Roobeez is revolutionizing the way we connect with small family farms and access fresh, locally sourced produce. By providing an online platform that serves as a virtual farmers market and resource center, Roobeez is empowering farmers and consumers alike. Through its mission to promote sustainable agriculture and support local farmers, Roobeez is fostering a stronger connection between farmers and consumers, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for our food system. So, whether you're searching for farms near you, baby chicks for sale, or simply looking for a convenient way to support local agriculture, Roobeez is the go-to platform for all your farming needs.


Frequently Asked Questions about Roobeez: The Online Farmers Market

  • Roobeez is a dynamic online platform designed to connect small family farms with consumers interested in purchasing farm-fresh products directly. Unlike traditional farmers' markets, Roobeez operates digitally, allowing you to access a wide variety of locally sourced products, from fruits and vegetables to dairy, eggs, and even livestock, anytime and anywhere. Our platform is dedicated to promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting the livelihoods of local farmers through a convenient, transparent, and community-focused marketplace.

  • Roobeez operates as a virtual marketplace where consumers can browse through various stalls representing local farms.

    Consumers can explore a wide range of farm-fresh products, including fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and even livestock. Members can make purchases directly from farmers, ensuring the freshest produce and supporting local agriculture.

    Click here to create your FREE account!

  • Utilize our easy-to-navigate search feature by entering your address or zip code. Roobeez will then display a comprehensive list of local farms in your area and their products. This feature is designed to help you support local agriculture, reduce your carbon footprint, and help you get the freshest produce available.

  • Roobeez provides a dedicated section for chickens and other livestock. Whether you're looking for poultry farms near me, baby chicks, or specific chicken breeds, the platform connects you with reputable chicken breeders in your area. You can also find rare chicken breeds for sale, supporting the preservation of these unique birds.

    Find a live poultry farm near me on Roobeez

    Shop: baby chick for sale near me on Roobeez

  • Roobeez aims to empower farmers by providing them with a platform to showcase and sell their products directly to consumers. Farmers can earn a fair price for their produce by eliminating intermediaries and building a loyal customer base. Additionally, Roobeez offers resources and support services, such as connecting farmers with farm help near them and providing homestead tips and advice.

  • Roobeez is the perfect online farmer's market to sell your eggs! Whether they are farm-fresh eggs laid from your flock or fertile hatching eggs ready to expand a flock, there's a spot to sell them on Roobeez.

    Learn more about selling eggs on Roobeez

  • Roobeez welcomes all types of farms, including small family farms, as well as larger operations. The platform aims to support and promote sustainable agriculture in all its forms, connecting farmers of all sizes with consumers who value locally sourced products.

  • Roobeez organizes an annual Family Farm Expo event. This event brings together farmers, consumers, and industry experts, providing a platform for networking, knowledge sharing, and showcasing the best practices in sustainable agriculture.

    The Family Farm Expo is an opportunity for farmers to connect with their community and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

  • If you're a farmer, you have an exciting opportunity to become a seller on Roobeez! By joining with a FREE membership, you can showcase and sell your amazing products on our platform. And if you're a consumer, you're in luck too! Signing up for a free account allows you to explore the diverse range of farm-fresh products available. We also appreciate your support in spreading the word about Roobeez and encouraging others to support local agriculture. Together, we can make a difference for farmers and consumers alike!

    Join Roobeez today!

  • Currently, the platform operates primarily in select regions, but it is actively working to include more farms and serve a wider audience. Roobeez is actively working to include more farms and reach consumers nationwide. We are continuously enhancing our platform to ensure that no matter where you are, you can access the benefits of local farming and support sustainable agriculture in your community.

  • For any inquiries or support, please reach out to us at hello@roobeez.com. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with any questions or challenges you may encounter, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience with Roobeez.


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