Our Mission

Share the delight, joy and rewards of farming while building self-sustaining farming communities in every location. We’re committed to develop year round fun, farming education and activities for our youths and families to increase farming interests within our local communities. Our programs will collaborate with local farmers, farming enthusiasts and the local communities making it possible for the younger generation in various locations to have access to farming activities and resources.

To further this mission, Roobeez partners up with organizations who share the same passion and have an interest in growing our farm communities programs!  They generously support our cause by giving a percentage of their proceeds to go towards a special Roobeez Farm Program!          

How it works…

Shop at one of our participating program vendors who is donating a generous percentage of sales to one of our Farm Programs and bee part of the change!

Want to get involved? Email us at shopforcause@roobeez.com
➡️ I’m interested in being a Shop For Cause Vendor - Vendor Sign-up
➡️ I’m interested in participating one of the farm programs - Program Participant Sign-up
➡️ I’m interested in being the farm in one of the programs - Farm Program Sign-up 🌞

Roobeez Farm Programs supported by Shop For A Cause

Small Farm Tours

Estimated Kick-off Date: December 
The Challenge: Many small farms today continue to struggle with maintaining viable operations or having the resources to promote their services and products. There are many hidden pockets of “farm gems” that need help to gain public knowledge. Roobeez Farm Tours make it possible for these participating small farms to get highlighted!

Introduction: The Small Farm Tours is a program aimed to promote our small farms and provides an extra source of income to increase operational viability. This program also promotes agritourism supporting our local economies while increasing interest for agriculture interests and growth. 
Our Small Farms Tour provides for our attendees a close-up introduction to our amazing farmers and a behind the scenes look at how to operate their farms. See baby animals, taste and harvest some fruits, find unique gifts and more! 


  • Tour Bus to 5 Farms

  • Activities can include - Alpaca Farm, Goat Farm, Mandarin Farm, AND MORE!

  • Lunch

Country Hearts - Youth Program

Estimated Kick-off Date: March 2023

The Challenge: Children and Youth today are limited in dedicated programs that promote farming interests and careers. 

Introduction: Country Hearts Youth Program is a program aimed to teach youth from ages 8 to 16 years old about how to run a farm. These workshops allow kids to learn about farming through fun, educational activities. The program collaborates with local farmers and other enthusiasts to provide resources and information to the community. We place great emphasis on the future depending on farmers and are eager to help grow the next generation.

Country Hearts Workshops provide anywhere from introductory to advanced learning workshops providing a solid foundation to kick-off agricultural interests.

Farm Operations Training

  • Soil testing and preparation

  • Organic fertilizer options that save money

  • Growing, maintenance and best harvest techniques

  • Introduction to regional crops (farm tours and learn)

Branding and Marketing

  • Developing your audience and brand

  • Farmer’s Markets and Group Events

  • Diversifying farm products

Participating Vendors:

When you shop at Pixy Chix a percentage of the proceeds will benefit our Farm Tours Program! Check out the marketplace and help support little future farmers today! www.pixychix.com