Farm Life Spotlight: Wild Roots Farm

Meet Ashley, Tim, Everly and Maverick – the faces behind Wildroots Farm. 

​Born and raised in the beautiful California desert, Ashley and Tim chose to follow a dream to better teach their children how to become fine stewards of the land. This led to the fruitful valley of Emmett, Idaho – blooming Wildroots Farm. Here is where they teach, learn and guide one another in the art of sustainable living and farming. And this is where their true farm story begins...

Wild Roots Farm was started in the Summer of 2018 with zero farming experience. Ashley and Tim wanted to connect to the land a bit more and teach their children the beautiful ways of organic gardening and farming with animals. 

They focus strongly on regenerative farming and creating a biodynamic space in which everything on the farm contributes to the greater good. This includes the animals and all the things grown. Each animal plays a vital role in rebuilding the health of the soils and helping to grow organic produce and native pollinator-friendly flowers to help improve the lives of all the local pollinators.

Its hard to pick favorites on the farm, but Ashley has a deep love for growing Sunflowers. She does not think she could ever pick a favorite animal on the farm because they all have such unique personalities.

The most amazing thing about having a mixed species farm is getting to watch beautiful bonds grow between unlikely animals. Their Scottish Highland bull, Thor, has always had a soft spot for one of the sheep, Clementine. He has always been so gentle with her, even allowing her to always eat from the same bowl as him. She is so small compared to him, but she trusts him so much and he is so kind to her. Every morning they share breakfast and every night they share dinner

There will always be challenges on the farm but the biggest one is learning to work WITH mother nature and AT her. Each year the weather seems to change so they need to realign when they start and plant crops. They also have to deal with mid spring snow and frost which damages all of the fruit blossoms. Some years the farm has lost every fruit blossom in the orchard causing a fruitless year. 

The family involves themselves in the community by donating free packs of organic heirloom seeds every spring grown right on the farm and by offering educational classes to local schools about the importance and amazing lives of honey bees. The hope is that their involvement in the community has encouraged people to grow their own food and to look deeper into the importance of keeping our pollinators safe. They also hope to inspire people to look further into the connection we can build with farm animals to help live a happier and healthier life.

 Words of advice Ashley would give any farmer is to “Never give up. Each year will be a little different and that’s normal. Some years your have a great season and some years you wont. Also remember there is never one way to do something, find the way that works best for you personally and go with that”.

Ashley thinks, and hopes, the future of farming starts to focus on the soil health more. She hopes more people will see the benefits of creating health from the ground up to grow the best food. The harsh chemicals aren’t only damaging the foods and our health, it's damaging the air, water, soil, pollinators, and native wildlife. She hopes the future of farming focuses on the benefits of farming with animals and not farming the animals themselves.

What started with zero experience has now grown to over 130K followers and is truly supporting the roots of our country. You can support Wild Roots Farm through their online store  or keep up-to-date with their adorable livestock and good vibes on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube.


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