Busy Beez Workshops

Farming workshops for the littles. Feed the mind, feed tomorrow.

Learning opportunities for the little farmers

Busy Beez Workshops is the destination for youth and their families learn about farming through fun, educational activities. The Busy Beez program collaborates with local farmers and other enthusiasts to provide resources and information to the community. Learn more about the Busy Beez purpose and mission.

Farming isn’t limited to rural locations anymore! The Busy Beez Workshops are thoughtfully developed to be engaging, educational, affordable, and accessible to all. Enroll your family in our upcoming programs, or get more involved by becoming a Busy Beez Beekeeper.

Program List

  • The Garden's Best Buds

    Learn About:

    How our pollinators play the most important role in garden cultivation.

    Learn about each type of pollinator and how we can help them do their very important job!

    Activity: create a pot with great pollinator plants and make a pollinator puddler to help supply water to our favorite pollinators.

  • The Berry Fun Day

    Tour with one of the local berry farms and learn about the growing berries.

    Learn about:

    • their amazing nutrients

    • what it takes to grow your own berries

    • berry varieties tasting and review

  • Picking the Perfect Mandarin

    Tour with one of the local citrus/mandarin farms and get harvesting techniques to get the most desirable, golden treats for your own individual palette.

    Learn about:

    • Mandarin variety tasting

    • harvest techniques

    • safety in the orchard

    • what it takes to manage a citrus orchard

  • Herbs for Everyone

    Learn About: the many uses of herbs

    From using organic as a natural antibiotic or drying herbs and adding them to your spaghetti it’s easy to grow herbs indoors and we will show you how.

    Activity: indoor herb garden

  • Homes for the Ladybugs

    Learn about:

    The little and mighty ladybugs and their importance for our gardens.

    How to welcome ladybugs in our yards

    Activity: Build a ladybug cottage

We’re here to help kids learn to love the dirt

Roobeez was founded by moms who have a passion for farming, living, and breathing in nature. We feel fortunate to have access to farming activities that allowed our children to experience magical moments and build critical life skills. We developed Busy Beez to make these experiences available for children everywhere.

Practicing farming and similar outdoor activities leads to magical moments. By encouraging development and appreciation for nature, we’ve found that children are more creative, calmer, and kinder. We place great emphasis on the future depending on farmers and are eager to help grow the next generation.