Poultry In Numbers
Farms Unite…

Let our voices be heard

About Us

Roobeez was founded to help small farms grow and scale their operations. By providing resources, tools, and information, we hope to empower farmers to build the business of their dreams. Roobeez is creating a comprehensive suite of tools to aid marketing, distribution, information exchange, and transactions. We are committed to helping small farms thrive.

Our Mission

Roosters Rising is one of our advocacy programs geared towards helping farms deal with ordinance-related challenges. We aim to educate, facilitate safety of livestock during legal matters, and partner with local municipalities to create solutions that don’t impede small farmer’s growth.

Problem Summary

We experienced firsthand how this can affect very good people who are doing good things, like Amanda’s story. Nationwide, there are hundreds of thousands that are affected due to restrictive poultry ordinances. If not handled correctly, here is how communities could be impacted: 

  • Economic impact

    • Small farms closing down means a loss of income for families. 

    • A large number being affected can expose regional economic impacts as eggs are growing as local commodities. 

  • Animal welfare - many poultry displaced.

    • Many of these animals are in safe and healthy situations, and being transferred to an unsafe situation can end with death. 

      • Confiscation of roosters will cause immediate distress and promote immediate conflicts between poultry unfamiliar with each other. 

  • Animal abandonment risks - Increasing # of strays.

    • Other regions have already experienced “rooster dumpings” in parks or even residential neighborhoods. If responsible owners can’t keep their roosters, some feel hopeless and resort to leaving them out to survive on their own instead of handing them over to their death - Animal Control and or processing them. While this action may not be accepted by many, these individuals can’t bring the voluntary decision of death for a rooster they’ve cared for. 

  • Loss of local food source

    • We have seen nationwide limitations of many resources including food during the pandemic. Putting limits on poultry owners is a contributing factor - an example being a shortage of eggs as a result of these restrictive constraints. 

Together, we can support local farms impacted by this and bring regions together to strengthen local communities. Maintaining local farms and growing them helps local economies thrive, promotes education about our environment, and spreads the love for farming - inspiring our youths and assisting local regions with sustainable, fresh food sources.  

We will continue to monitor this constantly evolving situation throughout the country and will grow this campaign to support farms that are affected nationwide, and more importantly, spread awareness and education to those interested in starting small farming operations. 

Why This Is Important

For some of us, this is not a hobby. This is a life; this is their living. Amanda supplements her income from poultry and farming practices. She donates her heritage breeds of poultry and holland lops to local 4h children and other school projects. She also donates up to 5 dozen eggs to local teachers looking to hatch eggs, including her daughter’s preschool to supplement their meal programs.  Our country needs more small and urban farmers in ALL regions. And people like Amanda are the foundation of what allows our communities to grow - giving all they have… Most times just to have the love of farming and sharing. It’s the heart of farming. And this woman by all means represents this. 

There are 100,000 small farms that have closed in the past decade according to the USDA. We need to expand farming operations by empowering these small operations and not doing the opposite. It’s vital now more than ever that we have small communities who have strong local food sources, and this will come from our small farmers. We have seen the effects of events we can’t control… world affairs, the pandemic, etc… that have exposed that we could be cut or totally limited to a resource if we depend on it - outside of our reach. While we should be able to wait for that new purse that’s on backorder because of pandemic challenges, we can’t wait for a food source. Bringing in our food sources at local levels empowers our local economy but also gives us more capability to have quality sourcing and management. We should empower our responsible poultry farmers in local regions. With the right ordinance and partnership with food organizations/health regulators  we can create a bond that strengthens local communities, instead of creating silos of secret societies (which seriously the poultry community has become in many ways) that are just outright out of date of today’s needs. 

What We Do

Advocate Services

  • Find out what your city ordinance restrictions are

  • Support in next steps working with local agencies

  • Download templates including extension requests, official outreach letters, etc. 

    Animal shelter/relocation services

  • We are creating a network where you can connect with other individuals and find shelter relocation services or support groups nearby

    Community round-up, or petition support

  • Easily connect with other people in your community to sign a petition to update, revise, or amend ordinances.


  • Step 1 - Identifying our supporters location - this is key, here's why:

    After Amanda’s story, we started hearing from everyone… We expected this.
    Because this is such a local focused solution - we must get organized to know who’s where?

    We have a number of tasks that we can divvy up between volunteers.

    You can fill out our form below .

  • Step 2 - General Support

    Connect with us if you have the following resources:

    • Availability and interest to help.

    • Can recommend influential people that can help.

    • Do you know anyone in the media that can help?

    • Do you know an attorney that can provide legal advice - pro-bono, we would really appreciate this.

  • Step 3 - Local Support Tasks

    You’re available to be a SWAT TEAM supporter should any of our members get in a pickle or BETTER yet before our Poultry Peeps get in a pickle. If you can help with any of these - super!

    • Help us get petitions signed in neighborhoods.

    • Foster temporarily.

    • Help make rooster boxes or safe crow collars.

  • Step 4 - We'll be in touch shortly!

    We will organize the response. We’ll prioritize the areas in need of a PIN group faster, but we will respond back to each of you. Thank you so much!

Poultry In Numbers Form